Yenda Floods

2012 saw many areas within the Riverina suffer severe flood damage. One of the towns who suffered the worst damage was Yenda. Yenda received 225.8mm in a short period of time resulting in around 600 people being emergency evacuated from the area. This resulted in many devastating flood claims which saw PCR carry out repairs on. PCR prides itself on prompt attention when disasters like these strikes. We have the expert attention to detail and experience to act swiftly and professionally to have properties made safe and rebuilt in a timely and costly manner.

PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina
PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina
PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina
PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina
PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina PCR, Insurance, Floods, Flood Damage, Flood Repairs, Yenda, Riverina
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